Disney At Home: The Smells Of Disney

Our first Disney Cruise was one of the best vacations we have ever had. My parents took the whole family to celebrate their 50th anniversary, and we took a seven-night cruise to Alaska together. The food, the shows, the scenery, and the times together were just amazing. Of course it eventually had to come to an end. A couple months later, I was in the car with my mom when she said, “I found this bottle of lotion from the cruise. Would you like it?” Well, of course I said, “Yes!” I’d used the complimentary shampoo, conditioner, and lotion in the staterooms, but I hadn’t thought to bring my partially used bottle of lotion home. I didn’t even remember what it had smelled like, but as soon as I smelled the lotion, I was instantly transported back to the cruise. Suddenly I could feel the magical excitement of that trip, if only for a moment.

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Our sense of smell is very closely linked to memory, so it’s no wonder I had such a strong reaction to the smell of the cruise lotion. I’m convinced it doesn’t even have to be a pleasant smell. We were at a museum in Victoria, B.C. when I happened on an indoor recreation of a coastal tidal pool. I motioned Aidan over and had him smell. He immediately smiled and said, “Pirates!” Yes, somehow that exhibit smelled just like Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland. I think it may be the combined smells of mildew, bromine, and an industrial air system. Hardly french perfume, but for a Disney fan, it was a pure delight.

Here are 3 ways to bring the smell of Disney home with you:

1. Buy it and bring it home.

All the H20+ brand items were for sale on the ship as well as on Shop Disney.

Disney uses special formulations from the H2O+ brand toiletries in many of its accommodations, and usually you can buy them and bring them home with you. The Disney Cruise line no longer puts out the travel size lotion and shampoo bottles because they’ve gone with more eco-friendly refillable containers. Fortunately, I was able to buy a large bottle of the lotion in the gift shop. When I ran out of that bottle, I found more on Shop Disney, though it isn’t always available.

2. Wax nostalgic.

Bring Disney Scents home, Dole Whip
There are plenty of candles and air fresheners that claim to recreate the smell of this classic treat.

Dozens of small shops create scents inspired by Disney destinations. Do they smell exactly like the original? Probably not. As one reviewer on Etsy pointed out, it would be hard to recreate the smell of Pirates of the Caribbean without actually flooding your own basement for a month. However, the candles, wax melts, and essential oils are meant to remind you of the rides. Personally, I have my eye on a candle that’s supposed to smell like flying over the orange groves in the original Soarin’ experience. Since that was a canned scent anyway, it may be easier to reproduce.

Scary Rides Disney
What was your favorite Soarin’ scent? Probably not “Herd of Dusty Elephants.”

3. Engineer you own scent memories.

I read this suggestion long ago, and if I had any idea who said it I would totally give credit because I think it’s really clever. The idea is to pick your own scent that is not something you use already at home. Then take it with you on your vacation. Actually burning a candle is not a good idea for a hotel room or stateroom, but some candles are so aromatic that just taking the lid off the jar will give you plenty of scent. Wax melts or essential oils might be better and easier to transport, or maybe just a scented soap. Make sure that you and your family smell that scent often during the vacation. When you are back at home, using that scent will remind you of your vacation. I need to try this one.

What do you think? How do you bring the scent of Disney home with you? Please be sure to scroll down to leave a question or comment below.

Click here for more articles about Disneyland or the Disney Cruse Line.


  1. I keep saying I’m going to buy some of those scented candles with scents from Disney World but I’ve yet to buy one. I do have some of the lotion and shampoo at home that I brought from recent trips, though! đŸ™‚

  2. Oh my gosh I LOVE this post! Disneyland Paris is one of my favourite places on Earth and I have a certain perfume that reminds me of DLP because I wore it twice when I went. Every time I smell that perfume now I could cry!

  3. Great Article Aajee! We love to bring the scents into our home as well. WE’ve been getting all sorts of scents from The Magic Candle Company and they have been amazing. One of our new favorites is their H20 Sea Salt scent. Its amazing!

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