Embarkation Day on a Disney Cruise Part 2

As we discussed in Part 1 of this article, Embarkation Day is perhaps the most exciting day on your Disney Cruise.  You step onto the ship, and you know your vacation is really starting.  As your party’s name is announced, crew members in sharp white uniforms applaud, and then you’re in the beautiful atrium of …

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Embarkation Day on A Disney Cruise Part 1

I have stated previously that Disembarkation day on your Disney Cruise is the worst. Well, the corollary is true:  Embarkation day on a Disney Cruise is the best.  It is the day that all the planning and all the anticipation finally comes to fruition. You have the whole cruise stretched out in front of you, …

What’s Not Included In the Price Of Your Disney Cruise

There’s a whole lot included in the price for you Disney Cruise Line vacation.  You get your accommodations, food, and entertainment all in one price.  There are other expenses, some avoidable and others not, that you should keep in mind so you don’t have any unpleasant surprises.

Using A Countdown App To Beat The Re-Entry Blues

You had a fabulous vacation, and now you’re at work thinking, “Yesterday at this time I was taking one last ride on Big Thunder before heading to the airport,” or “The coffee from the Cove Cafe on the cruise was a lot better than this.”  Returning to your everyday life can be a bit of …

San Diego’s B Street Cruise Ship Terminal

If your cruise leaves from San Diego, you’ll likely be using the B Street Pier and Cruise Ship Terminal.  On the Disney Cruise Line, this includes the Mexican Riviera cruises.  California Coast cruises and the Panama Canal cruises will either begin or end in San Diego.  If you’ve cruised out of other ports, San Diego’s …