Shop Like A Princess At Royal Reception In Fantasyland

Princess gear at the Royal Reception at Fantasyland in DisneylandRoyal Reception in Disneyland’s Fantasyland has been many things over the years.  In my memory it’s been Geppetto’s Workshop and also a Frozen themed store.  Right now, it’s the Royal Reception, and while the website claims it’s for limited-time Beauty and the Beast Merchandise, it seemed pretty focused on all things princessy.

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Located between Red Rose Taverne and Pinnochio’s Daring Journery, Royal Reception is one of the shops located within the castle walls that border the Medieval-style candelabras at Royal Receptionmain area of Fantasyland.  As a kid, that seemed like the most magical place you could possibly be. The shop lives up to that look inside with wrought-iron candelabras hanging from the beams on the ceiling and medieval shields on the wall.

Inside, there’s a wide variety of princess-related merchandise, mainly geared toward the 10 and under princess Princess merchandise at Royal Reception In Fantasylandcrowd.  There are plenty of toys as well as clothing, bags, jewelry, and jewelry boxes.  While there’s a nice variety, I count it as a plus that there isn’t an absolutely overwhelming amount to chose from.  You could get lost in the Emporium on Main Street or World of Disney in Downtown Disney.  The sensory overload and the abundance of choices could completely overwhelm an adult, let alone a child.  The Royal Reception in Fantasyland is just the right size to take your princess to pick out a special keepsake.

Royal Reception in Fantasyland at the Disneyland Resort


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