How To Pack Easily and Efficiently

When I first started to travel as an adult, I worried a lot about packing the “right” way. Luckily, it turns out that there are many ways to do it that work just fine, and you don’t fail at travel by not picking the right one. After reading and testing lots of packing tips, I ended up with a method that’s easy, efficient, and minimizes wrinkles. I don’t even have to buy anything, and it’s easy enough my kids do it too. Ready? Here it is: stuff, stack, tuck, cram. No really. Bear with me.

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Before you begin it’s best to have everything you plan to pack on hand and divide it into two piles with roughly equal amounts of pants, shirts, and whatnot.

1. Stuff

Stuff your shoes with little things like socks and underwear. For most suitcases, you’re going to want two pods, so two pairs of shoes is perfect. If you have more pairs, save them for the cramming step or utilize other parts of your suitcase besides the main compartment. If you just have flip-flops or sandals, use them, but save the socks and underwear for the cramming step.

2. Stack

  • Travel tips
  • Packing tips

Now stack all your folded pants or shorts on top of your shoes. When you are done with pants, start on shirts and other tops, but don’t fold them first. Just stack ’em up so they hang over the edge of your folded clothes. If I have a dress, I usually fold it once and then drape it on the very top of the stack. Put the biggest item on top.

3. Tuck

How to Pack
Wrap the shirts around the stack and tuck the edges underneath.

Next you tuck the overhanging parts of the shirts under the whole stack. This step helps minimize wrinkles for your shirts and should somewhat compress your pile. In fact I sometimes lean on the pile (I probably look like I’m trying to bodysurf on my clothes) while I do the tucking to make sure it’s compressed. Now you have a pod that you can transfer to the main part of your suitcase.

4. Cram

When you have both pods side by side in your suitcase, you’ll probably have a bunch of weird leftover space around the edges and maybe a little valley in the middle. If you’ve been wondering how to pack all the other odd-shaped items like your belt, swimsuit, and accessories, this is the space. I generally put belts around the inside edge so they don’t have to be folded, tuck my sandals or umbrella (depends on the trip!) into the middle valley, and then cram everything else into the leftover space in the corners. That’s right, just cram with abandon.

5. And then?

If you’ve incorporated your shoes into your pods, you may have leftover shoe storage in the lid. I don’t like to put shoes there anyway because they make dumb, sticky-outy, lumps that don’t fit neatly with my pods when the suitcase is closed. This shoe storage is great though for things like small electronics, medications, or toiletries.

When this works and when it doesn’t

This is a great packing system for when you travel to a destination, then unpack and stay awhile like a cruise or a trip to Disneyland. It works for a regular suitcase as well as for a duffel or backpack.

This isn’t the system to use if you will be living out of a suitcase and moving from place to place. It’s not easy to pull something out of the pod without having to completely redo your pod. If I were packing for that kind of a trip, I would probably end up rolling my items. Some folks swear by packing cubes to keep individual outfits or types of clothing together, particularly if they have little kids to pack for as well. For me, that would just seem like more stuff being added to my suitcase, and I’d probably overthink what to put in each cube.

As I said before, when you’re trying to decide how to pack, there isn’t just one way that works. The stuff, stack, tuck, and cram method is fast, easy, and won’t cost anything extra. Happy packing!

How do you like to pack? Does it depend on the type of trip you’re going on? Please be sure to scroll down to leave a question or comment below.

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