Emerald City Comic Con Part 2

As discussed in Part 1, Emerald City Comic Con is a celebration of all things fantasy, sci fi, and pop culture.  So, should you go?  And how do you do that?

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Who Is It For?

First, do any of the following apply?

  1. You grew up reading comic books under the covers with a flashlight.
  2. You cried when Spock died.  And both times Buffy died. (spoilers!)
  3. You called in sick so you could binge-watch season 3 of Stranger Things.
  4. You know how to speak Elvish.  And Klingon.
  5. You’ve put serious thought into what superpower you would want to have.
  6. You’ve played video games.  Ever.
  7. If someone wonders aloud about the meaning of life, you respond with “42.”
  8. You’ve run around the mall like a crazy person trying catch a Snorlax.
  9. You’re interested enough to read an article about Comic Con.

If you responded yes to any of the above, you would probably enjoy Comic Con.

Would you feel comfortable there?  Comic Con is intended to be a very inclusive, “everyone” sort of place.  If you are comfortable with that, then you’ll be comfortable there.  There are meet-ups for a lot of different fan and interest groups as well as for groups like the LGBTQ community.  I saw a number of people using mobility devices, and while they probably had to wait for elevators, they seemed able to move pretty easily through the public areas of the convention.  I’d say the average age for someone at the con is probably 30, but there are all ages from toddlers to seniors.

Special Considerations for Kids

Legos, Family HQ, Emerald City Comic Con, Seattle

Comic Con is kind of like a day at an amusement park.  It’s very stimulating, your kids will see a million things they want you to buy, and your feet get really tired.  If you and your kid could do a day at Disneyland without a major meltdown from either of you, you’re probably good to go.

There are many people in costume at Comic Con, and some base their attire on movie or comic book characters who often wear pretty adventurous outfits.  You’ll see a lot of lycra and belly buttons.  In general, there’s nothing more revealing than you would see at the local pool.

Artwork may be another consideration.  The majority of art on display is pretty “PG”, but fantasy and comic book artwork have a history of depicting women in unrealistic and objectified ways as well as depicting violence.  You are unlikely to run into any of that at Family HQ but you can find it in the vendor areas.  Artists who depict images more appropriate to older audiences tend to be clustered together and in one part of the vendor area. This is a tendency, not a rule, and parents who are concerned just need to be a little aware.


If you want to go to Comic Con, you’ll need to get tickets, and you’ll need to plan ahead.  The best way to make sure that you’ll get tickets is to sign up as soon as possible for the newsletter. That way you’ll know when tickets go on sale.

Kids under six do not need tickets and kids ages 6 – 12 are eligible for the kid tickets. Currently the kids’ tickets are $20 each and good for all 4 days. Anyone 13 or over must buy an adult ticket.  The official site warns that kids may need to show proof of age onsite. This event sells out for all ages of attendees, and they want to make sure everyone is treated fairly.

When the tickets go on sale, multi-day tickets sell out within hours or even minutes.  Single-day tickets are available a little longer. Kids’ tickets sell out last, but they do sell out. Preliminary information about guests, screenings, and meet-ups will be available ahead of time and can help you choose your days.  The Con runs Thursday through Sunday, and Sunday seems to be a calmer day with more families and children.


Depending where you live and how long you plan to visit, you may wish to stay in Seattle overnight.  Special convention rates are available for nearby hotels through the Comic Con website. You do not have to buy tickets to take advantage of convention rates, but rooms sell out quickly in the closest hotels. 

The Convention Center is near other Seattle attractions such as the Pike Place Market, Pacific Place, Westlake Center, the Paramount Theatre, and the Starbucks Reserve Roastery.  Staying at a nearby hotel also gives you a convenient place to park, take a break, a place to stash your purchases. It also give you a place to change if you get tired of wearing your costume. Maybe Wonder Woman can fight Nazis is high-heeled boots, but I bet she couldn’t do a whole day at Comic Con in them.

Parking at the Con is a major issue. If you stay at a hotel downtown you will still pay for parking, but you will have a guaranteed spot and a lower daily rate. If you intend to just come down for a single day, parking close to the Con may be unavailable.

Planning your Time

Emerald City Comic Con
Vendor Area

As Comic Con approaches, you will want to check the official website to plan out your time.  There is more to do on every day than any one person can do. Accordingly, you will need to prioritize the panels, screenings, signings and meet-ups that you are most excited about.  Some events are so popular that people used to wait in line for hours for a chance to get in.  This is not a fun use of your limited time.  Now some events have a lottery to get in.  Ticket holders still line up for hours in advance, but now they’re just vying for the best seats.  You will also want to leave time to browse through all the vendors and displays as well as time for gaming and social events.


Our guys once spent an entire day at Comic Con and forgot to eat the whole day.  That just never happens to me.  If you’re a veteran of amusement parks, then you know that eating early or late are good options.  If you’re a parent with kids in tow, you probably want to go with the earlier option.  We grabbed food around 11:30 in one of the main vendor areas.  There were pizzas (sharable for kids) Beecher’s Macaroni and Cheese, and fresh-looking sandwich options.  In addition, there were many drink and side options including fresh fruit.  What we had was good but definitely on the spendy side.

Food, Emerald City Comic Con

What you won’t find are many places to sit.  Most people just ate standing or sat down against a wall.  This is not the easiest arrangement if you have small kids, but it was doable.

There were several other eating establishments within the Convention Center, including a Subway and a Taco del Mar, both of which had lines out the door.  Outside the Convention Center, you’ll find a Cheesecake Factory, and other local restaurants and chains.  The Convention Center also has a designated pick up point for Uber Eats deliveries.

As noted above, eating a little earlier or a little later than peak times makes all the difference as most restaurants will be very busy during normal meal times. We have seen Starbucks run out of cups, for example, and Subway run out of bread. It’s that busy.


Comic Con volunteers are called Minions (not bright yellow or obsessed with bananas) and can be identified by their bright green t-shirts.  It is a good idea to point these people out to your kids as the go-to folks if they ever get lost.  A Minion also showed us that there is room to write a parent phone number on the back of the child badges.  They call that number right away if they encounter a stray child.

If you wear a costume that includes any kinds of simulated weaponry, no matter how unrealistic, you will need to get your weapon “peace bonded.”  This means you stand in a little line, and an official will verify that your weapon isn’t dangerous. Then they tie a small piece of plastic ribbon on it so everyone knows that you are safe.  The Con has extensive guidelines about what is or isn’t allowed and under what conditions. Items which don’t meet their guidelines can be confiscated or they can ask that they be taken offsite. Admission can be revoked for those who don’t follow the rules. They are serious about safety and that is a good thing for everyone. At the top of the escalators at the main entrance there is a peace-bonding station and there are always minions (volunteers) there who can help.

Comic Con Etiquette

People take tons of pictures at Comic Con.  If you want to take a picture of someone in costume, you ask first.  Not doing so is stalker-y, and other convention-goers may confront you about it.  General crowd shots are just fine.  Most people in costume will be flattered if you ask and will likely pose.  Some vendors do not want you to take photos because they are protecting their original artwork and do not want it copied or ripped off.  When in doubt, ask.  Photography may also be restricted in events and screenings.

You will likely see signs up at the Con that say “Costumes are not consent.”  This is because, unfortunately, there have been people at Comic Con or similar events in the past that have assumed that people in revealing outfits must want romantic attention.  The organizers and supporters of Comic Con have actively worked to create a respectful environment.

The next Emerald City Comic Con will be held August 21st through 23rd.  See you there!

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For part 1 of this article, please click here.

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  1. Jennifer Lever

    My kids have been bugging me to go to this! Maybe we’ll give it a try next year. Thanks for the info!

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