Haunted Mansion Holiday

By Erin, age 10
Sally, Haunted Mansion Overlay, Nightmare Before Christmas, Disneyland, Holiday
Graveyard scene during the Holiday overlay.

On our recent trip to Disneyland, we rode all the holiday themed rides. One of them was Haunted Mansion–holiday themed now, of course. Everything from the elevator, to the basic ride content, to the hologram that turns you into stuff or “adds another passenger” changed. That change was that the ride became The Nightmare Before Christmas themed.

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During the holidays, this ride gets very busy. If you can get one, you can FASTPASS this ride. This ride has never been my favorite, but I like the ride a little bit more when it is holiday themed. Probably because I’ve seen less of it. My sibling likes the original better than the holiday version, though.

Have you ridden on Haunted Mansion Holiday?  What did you think?  Please be sure to scroll down and leave a comment below.

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