Travel Checklist To Avoid Last-Minute Panic

Run through your last-minute travel checklist.
Do you have everything your need?

We’ve all been there:  it’s time to leave for the trip, and you’re standing in your entryway or sitting in your car frantically running through everything in your head or even on a written travel checklist.  Did you pack your socks? Did you pack floss?  Do the kids have enough entertainment?

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Even for organized travelers (I’m sure some exist somewhere) it can be hard to feel like you’ve got it all covered.  What helps me is to use this simple idea instead:

What is so important that if I didn’t have it, the trip would be ruined?

That’s a lot easier to manage, I think.  For me, that narrows the list down to 4 or 5 things.

1. Travel Documents

Travel checklist of essential items.
What documents are crucial for your trip?

Usually this is just passports or a driver’s license, though that depends on the destination.  Most other information can be looked up in some other way.  The hotel should have a record of my reservation, and my plane ticket is on my phone.

2.  Essential Medications or Medical Equipment

If it is essential for our medical well-being, then it’s crucial to get it packed.  This doesn’t include common over-the-counter stuff that we might possibly want but could actually get just about anywhere.  If we get athlete’s foot while we are in San Francisco, we can find a pharmacy.  I’m not saying that we shouldn’t pack those meds, but we don’t need to panic about them.

3.  My Phone

Oh, to be this carefree at the start of a trip!

This is, perhaps, debatable.  A friend of mine recently left her phone in the car at the airport when she left for Europe.  It was a big inconvenience, but it didn’t ruin her trip, mostly because everyone else in her party had their phones.

A phone is a way to communicate, to get help when needed, and to look up information.  It may store our plane tickets, and it acts as my camera as well.  I include it on my list.

4.  A Way To Pay For Things

It probably won’t work to try to travel without money unless we’ve prepaid everything, and even then I’d still want a debit card and some cash.  If we do forget something else, we can usually solve the problem with a little money.

5.  Our Travel Party

Maybe it’s just because I’ve watched Home Alone, but I always double check that we’ve got everyone before we leave.

Is that it?

Well, your list might be different than mine, and it will depend on the trip.  The (one and only) time we went camping and forgot the rainfly for the tent, we realized that we had forgotten something that was pretty darn essential for that particular trip.  We realized this at three in the morning during a freak rainstorm.

What about everything else?

Yep, someone forgot socks, but luckily they have those in Los Angeles.

Yes, we try to pack carefully and methodically and have all the essentials covered.  However, the truth is that even when we think we’ve got it all covered, we usually don’t.  We’ve forgotten toothbrushes and socks and swimsuits.  The shoes I thought would be comfortable turn out to pinch my toes, or the weather is different that we expected.  Fortunately, those problems are usually pretty easy and affordable to fix.  We find a drug store or a minimart or a shopping center. We’ve been to the Target near Disneyland more times than I can count.

Day bag, Carry-on Disney Cruise
Do you have everything packed?

When it’s time to leave the house, I hope you have your perfectly packed bags with exactly what you need, but even if you don’t you’ll probably still have a great trip.  As you stand there, running through your last-minute travel checklist, remember to ask yourself, What is so important that if I didn’t have it, the trip would be ruined?”  If you’ve got those things covered, head on out the door.

How about you?  What is so essential that it would ruin your trip if you forgot it?  What have you forgotten on a trip?  Please be sure to scroll down to leave a question or comment below.

For more articles on traveling, please click here.


  1. This would probably fit under #2, an extra pair of prescription glasses! You just never know if the pair you have will fall off, break, get crushed, etc. Always good to have a backup just in case! I don’t wear contacts so if I broke my glasses, I wouldn’t be able to see anything…

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